Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Rebirth of WiredTom

Thursday morning, 10:04am, Microsoft Corporation in building Mill. E., reporting in. It's been months, feels like years, since the catastrophic crash of the server that hosted All data was lost. Am I a strong believer that things happen for a reason? Not really. But I am a strong believer that every situation that life throws at you can be dealt with in a constructive matter. As Chad likes to say, "When life gives you lemons..."

If you are wondering about The Crash - I do have some details. A harddrive is a lot like a modern record player. Has a spinning disc, an arm, etc. Well, the arm decided that instead lightly skimming over the disc and reading data, it wll write is own groove. It ripped the disc into shreds. Extremely rare, and unrecoverable. I do have backups, but to take this opportunity to take a breather from the blogging, and rethink the future. In retrospect it was very good to do this. I plan to do house cleaning on my life every 10 years (sell all possessions, destroy blog, start fresh).

It's quite ironic to think this happened while my own life was being torn to shreads and rebuilt (or maybe not). During the same time, I had quit my job, sold my house (and all belongings), broke up with Candice, and left north america for a few months. I saw parts of Africa, Thailand, Japan, Europe, and Mexico to name a few. Bloggin wise, I decided to go with this time instead of rolling my own blog software (MovableType). Blogger is owned by google, and maintenance free. MT was a lot of work - always having to update it, etc. So far quite happy with decision. I've lost nothing, yet simplified my life.

I will talk about this more in the future - but I've lately taken a serious look at how I spend my time. I originally wanted to tackle the problem with structured personal time management, slotting out what I do when and how long I spend on it. Since then I've taken this to a new level, a less systematic approach. Not nearly as tedious as management, and far more effective and natural.

Without further adue, in no particular order, here are some random things I've been doing the last few months:

  • Just got back from Pemberton Music Festival - 40,000 rockers invade a town of 2,000 for a woodstock-like event of 2008. Camping in the vile, desolate potatoe fields of BC amongst masses of drunk, stoned rockers and virtually non-stop concerts around the clock from Thursday until Sunday night.

  • Building my first house, from scratch! More on this to come. (teaser photo above)

  • Working for The Collective now. A blood member of the Empire (Microsoft Corporation).

  • Moved to the heart of Bellevue, the city without a soul. Big change from Seattle. Living in a high rise condo right above the Westin Hotel. Yes, it's as cool as it sounds. I get room service, a personal concierge, and access to all the Westin facilities such as an olympic sized pool, gym, and out of town hotel guests.

  • Most recent trip was to Montreal - very impressed, definitely going back. This city was recently terrorized by a large tornado.

  • Reading "4 hour work week", excellent book, highly recommended.

  • Applying for professional UW MBA school, starting next fall, evening program. Need to study for and write GMAT soon. Since I have no undergrad degree, a strong pre-requisite for an MBA, I need to score very high on this test. Dean thinks I'll kill it. We'll see.

  • My dad just bought an Honda S2000. What a rock star.

  • 2 nights ago I dreamt of being drafted into the army - and being called away for a tour of duty. It was world war 2, the war of trench warfare. It was frightening.

  • Last night I sletp like a baby.

  • Shit is good.